Friday, July 15, 2011

Jodi's Adjustment to Home Life

Extra, Extra read all about it:

Grant, Kellen and Lennox make Dodo's day!! Thank you Stephanie and boys! 

Also, a big shout out to Staci my sister who sent a great personal write up on how to feed and what to feed a patient who has no appetite and does not want to eat. This was amazing and truly helped in getting Jodi to eat and getting her well nourished.  Thank you!

As you know Jodi has been out of the hospital for almost one week now. Tomorrow will be her "one week home" celebration. She has been doing well but it has been an adjustment for her and her body as she has gone from the hospital environment to the home environment.

Most patients with prolonged hospital stays and intensive treatments will spend the first couple of weeks or even longer just sleeping when they get out of the hospital. They often become dehydrated because they no longer have an IV and they will also have some form of body aches and pains as they have been on IV medications in the hospital around the clock and in the home environment they no longer have IV access and will take medications by mouth rather than IV formulations. Needless to say their body has to make adjustments to the home environment. 

Jodi has done well and with Ed's help and constant presence Jodi has been able to dodge many of the standard pitfalls of the post hospital "yuck". Jodi has been fatigued but has had limited nausea, minor pain and no significant misery. We have been pleased with these results and more importantly she has avoided any infections and has not fallen and broken any bones. Falls and infections are two common disasters that occur in recovering patients that can have devastating outcomes.

All of the precautions to avoid infections and falls have been put in place and Ed has been diligent in doing his job to keep Jodi safe from these complications and he remains on guard.  This first week has been a great week when compared with the normal progression a patient goes through as they transition from the hospital to home. However Jodi has still had her share of reminders that her body has been at war with cancer.

Her first night home was an emotional, wonderful as well as a difficult night for Jodi. As her body adjusted she was overwhelmed with fatigue and exhaustion. She had a tough time “getting comfortable” which made it difficult to sleep. She has very little recollection of that first night, which is a great thing the body and mind do to help the patient get through the tougher times. It just becomes a blur which turns out to be a blessing because if she could recall the tougher times with great detail she would be anxious about any possibility of experiencing that level of discomfort again.  In her case she has been able to really avoid the typical prolonged discomfort that often is experienced.

Jodi has been alert and feeling “good” this week. She has been able to get up and walk around, spend time with all of us talking and watching some TV. Ed has continued to read to her and she has been remarkably doing well. She has been plagued with exhaustion, fatigue and no appetite but much less than expected. She has put up with us keeping her fed and hydrated even though the thought of any food seems unbearable to her at this point. Each night she has been able to stay up a little later as we attempt to get her back to her pre hospital schedule. Last night was a late night as she was able to stay up until 9:00pm.  They had her pretty well out between 7:00 – 8:00 pm while in the hospital and would wake her up throughout the night and early morning for various tests and exams.

She is still not into reading her emails herself or getting on the computer as these activities tend to make her more fatigued, nauseous or uncomfortable. She also has not done much talking on the phone. However she loves the phone calls, letters, emails and good vibes and prayers from everyone. Ed will read letters  and emails to her and she loves looking at the pictures and letters from the grandchildren!

Grant, Kellen and Lennox are the superstars with there great drawings and letters (numbers), these things keep Jodi going. 

It has been a true blessing in our home to see the love and respect that Ed and Jodi have for each other and to be surrounded by the wisdom and knowledge that comes from 49 years of marriage and years of serving each other and all those around them. They truly are absolutely “in love” and really still like each other. This love and service has been a great influence and a welcomed example in our home. We are lucky to have them here and share this part of their life and have them as part of our life. 

Ivy, Mazzy, Matia and I have been rewarded to have Ed and Jodi here for family prayers and scriptures and family home evening and all of the other day to day aspects or our lives that have been blessed by having Ed’s and Jodi’s example, knowledge and influence here in our home.  I love hearing Mazzy and Ivy yell out “Dodo and Papa, it’s time for scriptures and prayers!” as we gather at Dodo and Papa’s entrance to their bedroom to say goodnight and read and have family prayer.  Priceless.

“Thank you everyone for all of your support and love!” ~ Jodi

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